GSM Lift Watch Voice elevator intercom
Emergency voice connection of the lift cabin with the emergency service.
Emergency voice connection of the lift cabin with the emergency service.
Emergency voice connection of the lift cabin with the emergency service.
Emergency voice connection of the elevator car with the emergency service.
Emergency voice connection of the lift cabin with the emergency service.
Alphatech IP Lift intercom
The Call Monitor program is intended for automatic handling of test (service) calls from emergency communication systems
The "Lift Call Line" emergency lift intercom is intended for emergency calls from the elevator car.
The "Brave Link Lift Watch" emergency elevator intercom is intended for emergency calls from the elevator cabin.
The device is intended as an accessory to the Brave Link Lift Watch / Lift Call Line / GSM Lift Watch Voice system
Voice communication between the engine lift room and the emergency lift intercom in the lift cabin.
The ReMic A unit is part of the GSM Lift Watch Voice and 4G GSM Lift Watch Voice.
The Alarm Lift Intercom is intended for surface mounting in the elevator cabin.